A lot of people say a lot of things, but to lose weight permanently, you need to move.
What kind of exercise should you try if you want to lose a few pounds and then keep the weight off? Would you like to look in the mirror and be satisfied with what you see? Would you like to do something for your health, well-being and your future but the gym haven’t been an attractive alternative so far? How can you achieve to be fit, energetic and attractive?
Due to our lifestyle becoming more and more comfortable and inactive and the detrimental effects of sedentary work and unhealtly nutrition, there is almost no one without smaller or greater overweight.
Gained some kilograms?
You’re not alone and there is a solution!
Unfortunately, obesity is a more and more frequent phenomenon in Hungary. According to data of 2021 for example we can state that 2/3 of the home population is overweight, and according to the OECD report of a few years ago, we are the most overweight, and worldwide the 4th most overweight nation. For the permanent change, you have to move more and in a more efficient way than earlier. Without such purposeful forms of motion as the fat burning training, body shaping exercise or the zumba, the results may also lag behind which will also set back the motivation
Your health is at stake
Already a few additional kilograms has noticeable effect on your body, especially your joints. Depending on your overweight, you may even face the following problems: high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthrosis, spinal and back pain, coronary disease and stroke. But weight loss does good not only to your physical health but has an effect on your mental well-being. Due to the additional kilograms, sooner or later the depression, anxiety, stress and burnout and sleeping disorders may also join the list. Anyone may have such period in his/her life for shorter or longer period when the sport, movement, healthy diet is forced into the background. However, one needn’t accept the consequences. There is a solution. You can be the best version of yourself again.
Permanent weight loss with Life1 Fitness
You don’t have to walk the road alone: we will assist you all along and help that your weight loss be successful and permanent. In the gyms of the Life1 Fitness clubs professional personal trainers, enjoyable fat burning and body shaping group trainings – such can be for example the zumba – and, upon request, state assesment and a superb community is waiting for you.