Knowledge base and blog

Don’t get lost in the enormous quantity of information read on the net! We’ve been helping our visitors since 13 years to achieve their fitness goals.

While the following articles make easier for you to be informed, the VIP contents sent to you for signing up for free raise you to the next level of the fitness – all this without stress, complications and costs.

For beginners and re-beginners: what you should know about the gym

How should you or is it recommended to behave in the gym? What you need and don’t need at the fitness club? How do you choose your sports outfit? In general: how to be tuned bodily and mentally to the training and the fitness club? Questions and answers which all beginners and re-beginners shall familiarize […]

Individual training, group sessions or personal training: which to choose and when?

The abundance may confuse anyone: what is the difference between the individual training, group sessions and the personal training? Which one is recommended and when? What are the advantages and disadvantages which are good to know? You find all the answers to your questions in this article.

How to set realistic goals during muscle building?

In the recent 5-10 years the muscle building and body building have become quite trending in the fitness clubs and within those attending gyms. A developed male and female body adds a lot to your self-confidence, self-security, adds a lot to your attractiveness. Stay with us and learn the secrets of muscle building!