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Body & Mind

Hatha yoga

200 calorie


Hatha yoga includes a duality between two opposites: the sun (in Hinda, ha) and the moon (tha).

Hatha Yoga is the most widely practiced form of yoga in the world. Hatha Yoga uses postures (asana) and conscious breathing (Pranayama) in combination with mental focus to develop awareness, strength and flexibility, and relaxation. Through proper alignment and mindful actions of the body, Hatha Yoga brings balance, strength, and a sense of well-being to the practitioner.

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One of the most immediate health benefits of practicing Hatha yoga poses is a feeling of calm; when you focus on your yoga practice, you may focus less on your worries or woes. Yoga can increase your flexibility, range of motion and strength as well as enhance your balance, leaving you with a higher fitness level and reduced risk of injuries.

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