Beginner Spine Yoga
150 calorie
The aim of spinal yoga is to restore the health of the physical body, primarily by improving posture.
Correct posture is not only a prerequisite for curing musculoskeletal problems, but also for learning to breathe properly. Correct breathing is given a prominent role in yoga because of its immediate and direct effects on the hormonal system, digestion and the energy body. The third main area covered by spinal yoga is improving the ability to relax and stress relief.
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Its primary role is prevention and aftercare (rehabilitation). It strengthens and stretches the muscles in a harmonious way, using precise, anatomically well thought-out exercises to shape the body in a safe yet effective way, and through this, it has an impact on the whole of human life.
The primary goal of spinal yoga is to restore the health of the physical body through a series of exercises based on basic anatomical movements, thereby achieving a fuller and more balanced quality of life. Correct posture is a prerequisite for the health of the physical body, so this is where the treatment begins. It raises awareness of correct posture and correct breathing, which are the foundations for the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.
Group classes teachers
Diána Mátrai
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